2024 KIC Partner Applications

Future Partners
The Kern Economic Development Foundation is partnering with Kern County's most influential businesses and organizations to recruit and prepare interns for paid internship positions. Let us take your talent and match you with the most compatible opportunity available to Kern County graduates. Fill out the form below and we will take care of the rest.
Interested in hiring an intern?
Apply Here
Interested in supporting KIC?
Become a Sponsor Contact KIC
Career-Ready High School Graduates

KIC Interns

Kern Economic Development Foundation partners with the Kern High School District's Regional Occupational Center and Career Technical Education Center (ROC/CTEC) to provide local employers with high quality interns that are ready to start their careers. Check out the program videos below to learn more about the industries our KIC students are coming from.
Working Together to Advance our Workforce

KIC Employers

Consistent with the Kern Economic Development Foundation’s goals of connecting industry, education and community; this new program is designed to enable local businesses to serve the community by expanding internship opportunities for local students by partnering with KIC. Apply below to be a KIC partner today!
SVG Slant Seperator
Investing in our workforce

Thank you to our 2023 KIC Employers!

Bank of America Logo - White

Thank you to our 2023 KIC Sponsors

Bank of America Logo - SVG